Therapeutic Massage
Relaxation Massage
1/2 hr
1 hr 1 1/2 hr 2 hr
$90 $130 $165
Massage utilizing long soothing strokes and basic therapeutic techniques to relax the muscles and improve circulation.
Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, and Medical Massage
1/2 hr
1 hr 1 1/2 hr 2 hr
$90 $130 $170
More specific and deeper pressure is utilized to treat injuries, medical conditions and chronic pain.
Aromatherapy Massage
1/2 hr
1 hr 1 1/2 hr 2 hr
$90 $130 $170
Relaxation massage with the addition of essential oils to improve the mood and enhance relaxation.
1/2 hr
1 hr |
$90 |
Treatment of the feet to relax and treat the entire body by reflex.
Hot Stone Massage
1 hr
1 1/2 hr 2 hr
$140 $180
Hot stones are used to massage, relax and warm the body.
Raindrop Therapy Massage
1 hr
1 1/2 hr 2 hr
$150 $195
Application of specific essential oils to stimulate the circulatory, nervous and immune systems.
1/2 hr
1 hr 1 1/2 hr
$90 $130
Technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Administered by "laying on hands" to balance the "life force energy" that flows through us. | ||
Pregnancy Massage
1/2 hr
1 hr
1 1/2 hr
2 hr
Massage focusing on the needs of pregnant people and their growing little ones. One of our therapists has a pregnancy table which allows for laying face down if it is appropriate and safe to do so.
Couples (Same-Room) Services
Enjoy your spa services in the same room ($30 same room fee added to the price of services).
**Times are approximate and may include intake, undressing and dressing.**